Specializing in “Gear Drops” to Gannett Peak and the Glacier Trail portions of the Wind River Mountains

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A1 quality, good people guiding in beautiful country.

– Clint B.


The Experience

Taking fishermen and gear drops into the Wind River Mountain Range is our main Summer business.

Mountain climbers, Fishermen, Campers, Photographers and Artists all take advantage of our "DROP TRIP" services. Clients hire us to pack in and out their camps and gear so they don't have livestock to deal with on their trips.

When it comes to "Gannett Peak" Mountain climbers, we stay busy on the famous "Glacier Trail" route , hauling in & out, personal & climbing gear 27 miles back into "Floyd Wilson Meadows".

Every trip is a little different, please call with dates and locations and we will be happy to give you a quote. C: 307-851-9872

The Extras

*You can arrange a trip with us & ride horses/mules all the way to Floyd Wilson Meadows, instead of Hiking.

-Enjoy your Vacation & Views without a 65lbs, Backpack on.

-You can hike in empty or Ride a horse.

Please call for pricing ( 307 -851-9872 ) Prices depend om distance, riding animals & gear.